What GADGET really stands For

A gadget is generally a clever piece or an inanimate device. Gadgets can be called gizmos also. The word “gadget” came from the Greek word which means “the thing designed”. In other words, it is something that is designed to do something. Gadgets may consist of electronic apparatus, appliances, computer software, mobile phones, musical and video games, or sports gadgets.

A gidget, in English language, is a silly little toy that looks just like an insect but has no wings. It usually comes with a bright red bow attached to its abdomen. A widget’s name was given by the American humorist Dick Gregory in a series of TV shows. His show was called The Dick Gregory Show.

Gidget got her name when she was the first used of the word gadget in English. She was a petite model who appeared on one of the most popular TV shows of that time. Her appearance and her gidget color made her the most attractive character on that show. It was on that show that the word “gadget” got its origin. It stuck on and became a part of the vocabulary of American English.

Gidget was not the only famous character who used the word gadget. Early toys for children were also known as gizmos or jacks. They were designed to provide children with the things they did not have readily available for them. This was in the days before the birth of Christ. Gadgets are a great help in the modern world in providing children with education and entertainment.

One cannot discount the influence of TV and movies in the use of words and names of gadgets and gizmos in the English language. TV shows such as Star Wars and Star trek have created a whole new generation of gadget fanatics. And many of these names of gadgets have been adopted by the Western world. A Swiss company, for example, has made it their motto to produce Swiss army knives that bear the name of the character from which they are produced, Swiss soldiers, rather than the military.

The invention of the word GADGET has also spawned a whole genre of related words, like gadgetry or me gadgets, and we could even think of going on with it. Can we name a dictionary? GADGET is not the only foreign language that has borrowed our language’s terminology. Can you think of the word Superman? Or how about robots, rocket science, computer games? The list goes on.