A gadget is any innovative human invention or simply a complex mechanical device. Gadgets can be called as either gizmos or add-ons. Gadgets come in various forms such as electronic gadgets, electronic toys, technological gadgets, and other such things. Today the gadgets have become an important part of our life style.


The meaning of a GADGET is a term used to refer to any complex or device requiring some brain activity to operate. These intelligent devices are generally termed as smart electronic gadgets. A smart electronic gadget can be anything that uses brain wave activities such as EEGs, EEG microphones, digital electronic signal processing chips, neural networks, neuroelectric circuits, digital circuitry, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligent software, digital memory, digital cameras, radio, light, and so on. Some famous smart electronic gadgets include iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, PlayStation, Wii, Xbox, and many more.

A GADGET may also mean a small tool or a measuring instrument. Thus a GADGET could be a pair of binoculars, a small tool for measuring, a thermometer, or even a compass. Many gadgets use the calendar to know the date or time. We often think of a GADGET as a large tool, however these days a GADGET is more likely to be a small tool like a pen, pencil, or a small screwdriver. It has been estimated that every year millions of people spend a few minutes searching for a GADGET or a small tool to help them with their work.

What is a GADGET? A GADGET is a small tool or a measuring instrument that is used to assist individuals with their work. The definition of a GADGET is a very particular purpose or a tool that helps people with their specific purposes. A GADGET can be a very specific measurement, such as the circumference of a circle or the weight of an apple. A GADGET can also be a name or a logo. Some companies use GADGPs to indicate the overall performance of the company, or to help customers make a decision as to whether or not to do business with a certain company.

A GADGET can also be considered an item that aids in one’s daily routine. In other words, a GADGET can be considered a small tool or a measuring instrument. Thus we often thought of a GADGET as a larger measuring instrument, such as a clock, a thermometer, or a compass. However, as defined above, a GADGET can be a very specific purpose or a very small tool.

The words gadget, tool, measuring instruments, and clothing have a close relationship in our culture, which can be seen in many occupations. As defined above, a GADGET can be a very specific purpose or a very small tool. Thus we often thought of a GADGET, and a GADGET is often thought of as a specific word.